

My Name is

Zainur romzy

I am a 5th semester student with great enthusiasm to develop my skills in the world of web development.

current favorite tech stack/tools:


Hello, I am M. Afif Zainur Ramzi, a student at K.H. University. Bahaudin Mudhary Madura, majoring in Information Systems. I'm glad you visited my page. During my college studies, I understood the basics of web programming, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I try to keep up with technological developments and want to continue improving my skills in web application development.


I have been involved in a variety of projects, from simple prototype level to complex applications, and contributed to the development of various features and capabilities within them.


Create interactive web applications designed and compiled to support and be developed specifically for information systems students, with a simple and user-friendly user interface (UI), and presented in a one-page application format.





I created a simple web library using HTML and CSS. The focus of this project is to fulfill the practicum assignment requirements with a simple and informative design. I designed the user interface to make it easier to access book information. This project helped me hone my web programming skills, especially in implementing HTML and CSS.





I have created a simple portfolio website with HTML and CSS. This project aims to showcase web design and development skills, focusing on self-presentation. With the basic structure of HTML and the aesthetic appearance of CSS, I strive to create a clean and informative site.



Skill & tools

I continue to develop my skills and knowledge in the world of web development.

When I first decided to learn programming, I felt a mixture of enthusiasm and confusion.


When I first entered the world of programming, one of the first steps I took was to learn the HTML markup language. The memory is still as fresh as yesterday when I sat in front of a computer screen with a blank document and very unfamiliar HTML tags.


Learning CSS for the first time was a bit like stepping into a world of design and aesthetics within the realm of coding. I remember the moment I decided to delve into Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) as a beginner. As I opened my text editor alongside my HTML document, I felt a mix of excitement and trepidation.


Learning JavaScript was a pivotal moment in my coding journey. It felt like unlocking a new level of interactivity and dynamism in web development. I still remember the excitement and challenge I felt when I wrote my first lines of JavaScript code.


I try to write about what I have learned and I feel it needs to be published

sumenep, 19 sep 2023

Membuat Animasi SVG dengan Framer Motion

Apa itu SVG? SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) adalah format grafis vektor yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat gambar dan animasi dengan resolusi tinggi.




Just a friendly reminder that the information provided here is for business purposes only. If you have any questions, feel free to chat with me directly on my social media.



Sumenep, East Java

If you want to find me on social media, just search for @Romzyyy, That's my username on almost all platforms.

Built with Astro.JS and TailwindCss, deployed with Vercel. All text is set in the Poppins typeface.

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